Paradoxo do desporto profissional Manchester United vs Chelsea (Clever Corner Kick) Jogada ensaiada erro a

     Entenda o paradoxo do desporto profissional em
   O desporto profissional é um paradoxo:
   As mais importantes disputas envolvem atletas que auferem milhões de salários e outras bonificações. Dispõe do que há de mais moderno – e caro! – em medicina, nutrição e preparação física. Contudo, os que dirigem a modalidade, tanto na entidade de administração(federações), quando nas de prática(clubes), dedicam-se pela paixão ao esporte. Esse amadorismo contamina os TJD, Tribunais de Justiça Desportiva, cujos auditores não possuem vínculo nem recebem salários.
    O quadro de árbitro é híbrido. O juiz possui, na disputa,  uma posição semelhante ao do magistrado na condução do processo judicial:   Está investido de um poder-dever de atuar com dignidade, observando, e fazendo cumprir às regras. Deve punir os infratores, e tudo registrar na súmula, documento oficial da competição. As infrações disciplinares anotadas pelo árbitro são o principal instrumento de trabalho da Justiça Desportiva!
   Contudo, não desfrutam de garantias financeiras. São meros prestadores de serviços eventuais, sem vínculo empregatício na modalidade onde, não obstante, exercem uma indispensável função. Recebem por arbitragem, sem garantias…
Understand the paradox of professional sport in
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   Professional sport is a paradox:
   The most important disputes involving athletes who earn millions in salaries and bonuses. It has what is most modern – and expensive! – In medicine, nutrition and fitness. However, those who run the game, both in the entity management (federations), while in practice (clubs), are dedicated passion to the sport. This contaminates the amateurism TJD, Sports Courts of Justice, whose auditors have no connection or receive salaries.
    The referee is part of a hybrid. The judge has, in the race, a position similar to the magistrate in the conduct of the judicial process: You are invested with a power and duty to act with dignity, observing, and enforcing the rules. Should punish the offenders, and all register on the scoresheet, the official document of the competition. The disciplinary infractions noted by the referee are the primary tool of Sports Justice!
   However, do not enjoy financial security. Service providers are merely possible, without employment in the mode where, nevertheless, exert an essential function. Receive through arbitration, with no guarantees …
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Sobre Prof. Padilla suplente de Vereador em Porto Alegre pesquisador transdisciplinar na UFRGS Faculdade de Direito

Professor Sports Law (Direito Desportivo) at Faculdade de Direito at UFRGS, since 1992, advocated the creation of the new discipline in the curriculum courses in Legal Sciences - the "Sports Law", established as a discipline in the Faculty of Law, UFRGS, operationalized by the end of twentieth century, which placed at an important leading position in this area of knowledge, intellectual prominence, even abroad, where it became recognized as a pioneering center of the discipline: Master in NLP and Antropology by Salamanca, Spain, coaching, strategy consultant and lawyer, Specialist in Civil Procedure; Doctor Honoris Causa, Bachelor of Law and Social Sciences, UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (1983), where he also taught College (1992) on the permanent staff, performing the function, without interruption, the Department of Private Law and Civil Procedure from august 29/1992 as a substitute teacher, and from august 25/1994 as of the effective teacher in the vacancy caused by retirement of the Minister Gusmao Athos Carneiro. Source: * Research in Process (1989 /...) and Sports Law (1992 /...), currently focused on building a "General Theory of Sports Law". * 1th President of Rotary Clube Porto Alegre Moinhos de Vento (2000-2) * State Attorney at PGE-RS (1993-2006) * Presidente of Sports Court at Gaucha (Rio Grande do Sul State) Karate Federation; 5º Dan/Degree, Refere (1989...); Regional President (1997-2001) of Gaucha (Rio Grande do Sul State) Karate Federation; Juridic Director (1990-1997), National Referee Coordenator (2001-2004), Coordinator of World Karate Championship 1998 at Brazilian Karate Federation; Coordinator of karate at Olimpic Winter (São Paulo, 1995) and Summer (Rio de Janeiro, 1995 and 1996) Festival, of COB-Brazilian Olimpic Comitee.
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